Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sorting my life out.

Hey guys, I'm really sorry for missing yesterdays post, I was home being sick.

So, onto the matter at hand.

I'm currently going through a rather difficult phase, I feel that I need to sort my life out if I'm not going to break down completely, I fear I might be manic depressive and I need to see someone..

I just felt like giving you a quick heads up, after all, you've stuck around here for the short while I wrote. I will be back, I can promise that. But right now, everything is just a clusterfuck and I can't deal with life as it is, I'll hopefully see you again in a couple of weeks, by then I hope to at least have recouped a bit.

But yeah, sorry to leave you short of any new gamereviews or heads up, I promise I'll make up for it later on!

Thank you for reading and not judging me. After all I'm just another nerd I suppose, although one that isn't quite happy.


  1. Cheer up man!

    Other than all the bad things in it, life isn't that bad!! :)

    1. Haha, that's the kind of thinking I need ^-^

  2. Good luck with sorting all your stuff out!

  3. Hope you get things straight and feel better, don't worry we will be here waiting for you, if you decide to return just give us a heads up.

    1. I can promise you I'll return, don't worry about that.

      Thank you ^^

  4. Hope you get better soon. Humour apparently goes a long way.
